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嗨!我叫哈密瓜。是一个性格开朗,热情友好的澳洲当地人。我现在在墨尔本大学读书。我的家族是第一批来澳洲开荒的英格兰人,所以家族史和澳洲的历史息息相 关。我很愿意和来自中国的旅客分享我的故事,帮助你们了解澳洲的历史,文化和风俗。我曾经作为交换生在上海复旦大学待了18个月,这段时间里我去了中国很 多地方,饱览中国的秀美河山,并且结交了很多中国朋友,学会了用基本的中文与人交谈。所以我也可以称得上一个“中国通”。

学费:$40 (90分钟)

I am an experienced English teacher in both IELTS and conversation, and I have tutored in China and Australia to Chinese and Korean students. I charge $40 for 90 minutes. I\\\'m happy to give lessons in different parts of Melbourne so my students also get to know the city.


我将带你参观博物馆深入了解澳洲当地的历史和文化;在美丽的公园观赏澳洲特色的花卉和植物;去有名的商业街购买澳洲特色的免税商品,在特色饭店品尝澳洲当地的美食, 游览具有墨尔本特色的地方。你会觉得本次旅游物超所值: 让你充分领略澳洲当地的美景,美食,风土人情。


I\\\'m also happy to do a day tour starting around 9am and finishing at dinner during the week and on weekends, $100 for up to 4 ppl, if there is more than 4 then $120, I will provide lunch. Say i have lived in Melbourne for 6 years, and studied at Melbourne University, and that I would be a good guide to show the Australian student lifestyle to Melbourne University, RMIT and foundation studies students and well as introduce Australian culture.

Email: melbournedaoyou@gmail.com

Mobile: 0415888475 (只接收短信,请标明“英语学习”/“一日游”或者\\\"English learning\\\"/ “day tour”在短信里面)


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