

2011-06-15 格拉斯哥,英国 留言

I need a room close to University of Glasgow. Both en-suite room or a bedsit will be OK.The bedroom,kitchen and bathroom must be fully furnished.
The most important point is that the house should be close to University of Glasgow( less than 20 minutes walking distance).It will be nice if the house located at West End or City Centre.
The fee should be less than 400PCM include all bills(Utilities Cost,Council tax ,gas,internet and so on).
If you have such a room,Welcome to contact me!

  • 小提示:联系我时,请说是在Move2Rent.com上看到的,谢谢!

房间: 1    卫生间: 1 房型:房型不限

入住时间:2011-09-01  租用种类:独租
